Welcome note

Dear colleague

We are proud to welcome you in I Grow training & marketing blog, in which you can find a series of courses in different managerial, marketing & soft skills areas.

You'd find on the main page, all the courses sorted by their date of delivery. In addition, you can find on the right hand column of the page, the main categories of the courses, through which you can access the topics you prefer.

We truly appreciate your visit, and thus all the courses are available for viewing & downloading.

With our best regards.


31 August, 2013

Sunday's vitamin: How can I be a better leader?

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week
1- Don't wait for a higher title:
- Start now, take responsibility & do the best from your current position (as long as you are alive, you are a leader).

2- Lead yourself first:
- Put small goals for each week & plan for them.
- Learn & read continuously, as one idea can change your life.

3- Care about your people:
- Be real.
- Connect, socialize and touch people emotions.
- Under promise \ over deliver.

4- Have a bias towards actions (Talk Less \ Do More):
- Act now, don't postpone your ideas or projects.
- Do the uncomfortable difficult things first.
- Make daily small wins & continuously improve yourself.

5- Don't fear failure:
- Accept & see failure as an indicator of continuous work, growth & learning.

24 August, 2013

Sunday's vitamin: How can I increase my productivity?

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week

1- Remember that big, brave goals release energy. So set them clearly and remind yourself with them every morning.
2- Stop waiting for perfect conditions to launch a great idea. Immediate positive action fuels more action.
Goethe said “Just begin and the mind grows heated; continue, and the task will be completed”.
3- Decide on specific times during the day to check and respond to email (may be in the early morning, at the noon & in the late evening) so you protect the bulk of your time from being lost in email conversations.
4- Mess creates stress, so clean out the clutter in your office to get more done.
5- Drink more water. When you're dehydrated, you'll have less energy and thus get less done.

ڤيتامين يوم الأحد: كيف أزيد من نشاطى و فعاليتى؟

أفكار بسيطة و منشطة... لبداية جيدة لأسبوع العمل

1- الأهداف القيمة و الشجاعة تطلق طاقات الانسان. لذلك، حدد بدقة أهدافك العملية و الشخصية، و ذكر نفسك بها يوميا.
2- عندما تكون عندك فكرة جيدا لعملك أو لحياتك، لا تؤخر تنفيذها انتظارا للظروف المثالية، و لكن ابدأ فورا، و عندما ترى نتائجها الايجابية الأولية، ستتحمس لاستكمال العمل و انهائه.
و كما يقول الفيلسوف و الشاعر الألمانى جوته "فقط ابدأ و سيتحمس عقلك... استمر و سيكتمل العمل".
3- حدد أوقات معينة أثناء اليوم للقراءة و الرد على البريد الٳليكترونى (مثلا: فى الصباح، و عند الظهيرة، و قبل نهاية اليوم)، و بذلك تحمى تركيزك و مجهودك من التشتت بين طلبات البريد و مواضيعه المتعددة أثناء اليوم.
4- الفوضى توتر الأعصاب، اذا″، رتب مكتبك و المكان من حولك، و سيعطيك هذا قدرة أكبر للتركيز.
5- أكثر من شرب الماء، فنقص الماء فى الجسم يقلل من النشاط البدنى و الذهنى.

20 August, 2013

Insights in team work, CVS line (12 August 2013):

A presentation on team work principles, including;
1- Team development stages.
2- The 5 foundations of effective teams.
You can download the presentation here:

Looking forward to work with you ...

Sailing into selling, Musculoskeletal line (13-15 August 13)

A basic selling skills course customized for Musculoskeletal line;
1- Prospecting (customer profiling).
2- Selling process;
        - Pre-call planning; (data mining, setting SMART objective & planning call scenario).
        - Call; (Monroe's motivational sequence).
        - Post-call analysis.
3- Retaining & growing profitable customers.

You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:

Looking forward to work with you ...

04 August, 2013

الابحار فى مهارات البيع، مجموعة Consumer Business، (يوليو 2013)

A basic selling skills course customized for CB line;
1- Prospecting (customer profiling).
2- Selling process;
        - Pre-call planning; (data mining, setting SMART objective & planning call scenario).
        - Call; (Monroe's motivational sequence).
        - Post-call analysis.
3- Retaining & growing profitable customers.

You can download the presentation here: