Welcome note

Dear colleague

We are proud to welcome you in I Grow training & marketing blog, in which you can find a series of courses in different managerial, marketing & soft skills areas.

You'd find on the main page, all the courses sorted by their date of delivery. In addition, you can find on the right hand column of the page, the main categories of the courses, through which you can access the topics you prefer.

We truly appreciate your visit, and thus all the courses are available for viewing & downloading.

With our best regards.


21 September, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Can I change my style?!

Many of us are convinced that they should change
some of their personal or professional styles & behaviors
May be you have tried to improve your fitness, to change your diet, to modify the way you work, or to better manage your time. However, after few attempts, or after few days, you may stop your planned change, and return to your normal life style.
Why does this happen?
How can you really change your life style to the better?
If you're searching for an answer, just listen to & watch this audiovisual presentation (8 minutes), by clicking on the following slide:


  1. hossam shokry22 September, 2014

    in one word ......excellent

    1. Many thanks Hosam
      I truly appreciate your follow up.

  2. الجميل انك تلمس ما نشعر ونفكر فيه
    شكرا عزيزي

    1. ربنا يكرمك يا سمير..
      شكرا للمتابعة و الاهتمام

  3. Great thanks dr. Mohammed for that's new presentation and this have only one meaning that is CREATIVITY and I wait another parts of this course and I have one request that is I hope you make a link of this presentation to facility downloading ( video )
    Thank You Dr Mohammed

    1. Thanks Raey for your eagerness to learn & develop yourself.
      The video is not downloadable, but I shall send you the slides on mail.
