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24 August, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Don't fall in those mistakes!

In today's life, we are continuously running to reach a variety of goals, to accomplish diverse tasks & to fulfill different responsibilities. All of this puts a huge pressure on our time and on how we use it.
However, our time is a fixed resource; we can't buy more hours for our days, nor save some days to use them at the end of a stressful week!
That is why it is important to improve the way we utilize this valuable fixed resource (time) & work to get the best out of it.
In this couple of weeks we would discuss some common time management mistakes, through which we waste our time… and life.
Try to correct these mistakes, and you would significantly increase your productivity & efficiency.
Mistake number 1: Keeping too many things in your head.
A common mistake is trying to use your memory to save all the things you need to do through your day or week. This mistake will lead you to some problems:
    - A continuous feeling of overload & anxiety.
    - Inability to fully focus on a single task.
    - Sure, you will forget some important things, or remember them in the last minute!
What is the solution?
Write your goals & things to do down. This will enable you to organize your thinking and to work efficiently on various projects & tasks, without feeling that ugly mental overload.
Mistake number 2: Doing whatever grabs your attention first.
Instead of carefully selecting what to do or where to go next, based on the importance of the task, we usually do what jumps into our minds first, what is requested from us first, or what our mood tells us to do!
The problem is that those urgent things are not always important, and if we continuously run after these matters, we would have no time for the really important things that would truly improve our business & our life.
What is the solution?
Always plan to use your time according to the importance of the task, not according to the urgency of the task.
Try to be continually aware about your priorities, that truly help you achieve your most valuable personal & professional goals... AND DO THEM FIRST.

( ما من يوم ينشق فجره إلا ويُنادى: يا ابن آدم أنا خلق جديد، وعلى عملك شهيد،
فتزوّد منى فإني إذا مضيت لا أعود إلى يوم القيامة)
صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم


  1. hossam shokry25 August, 2014

    the real problem that face achieves these tips ...the big gap between what write and what done ...many changes across the day with many accidental tasks make these tips useless
