Welcome note

Dear colleague

We are proud to welcome you in I Grow training & marketing blog, in which you can find a series of courses in different managerial, marketing & soft skills areas.

You'd find on the main page, all the courses sorted by their date of delivery. In addition, you can find on the right hand column of the page, the main categories of the courses, through which you can access the topics you prefer.

We truly appreciate your visit, and thus all the courses are available for viewing & downloading.

With our best regards.


17 February, 2014

Adwia's annual meeting, Hurghada 2014

Pleased to be with you through Adwia's annual meeting, Hurghada. February 2014, and wishing it would be a strong start for your inspiration, productivity & career success in this year.
The theme of the meeting was "Productivity in Focus"
around which 4 lectures had been presented
all of which are available for download (just click on them)

- "Approach to Productivity": By Dr Amr AlGendy.
On how self awareness & emotional intelligence are the starting point for personal & professional success.

- "Practice ROI": By Dr Hany Khaery.
On how to evaluate & maximize the return from your investments in various resources.

- "Team work" & "Continuous performance development": By Dr Mohammad Said.
On how to build effective teams that can maximize the results of each member, & on the importance of coaching, between managers & their subordinates, to continuously improve performance & productivity.

- You can also find the video on the Chinese hotel built in 6 days, in this link:

Here are some photos from the event:
In the meeting:

Upper Egypt 2 team, the football winners:

Cairo West team, the volley ball winners:

M. Antar & Medhat Abd AlTawwab, the table tennis winners:

Looking for a successful 2014 with you

16 February, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Are you afraid of failure?

All of us fear failure, whether professional, personal or social.
The result is that many of us stick to what is called “comfort zone”, which are the things & tasks we are habituated to do, and that we guarantee their successes. And thus avoid taking risks or trying new things!
So please wait a minute and listen to these ideas!
Our culture taught us that failure is a mistake; however, failure is the price of greatness, and is an essential ingredient of success.
So, if you’re not failing a lot, you’re not trying enough to succeed!
Put in your mind that the biggest failure is to avoid trying new ideas or methods that would improve your life.
That’s why, failing may lead to some regret, but avoiding trial deserves more regret!
Finally, know that, not every innovation or risk will work, that is natural, so don’t be sad of failure, and learn from it, because this is an obligatory road for success

01 February, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Is he annoying you?!

When a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member, is bothering me repetitively with his/her actions, how can I best handle this issue with him/her?
Primarily, you should have two goals;
1- To completely express your opinion & feelings (it is your right).
2- To maintain respect & keep the relation (so don't push your opinion into his face aggressively).
Secondly, walk on the following steps:
1- Don't start by your accusation or conclusion, because this will usually stimulate him to urge with you defending himself.
So, start with describing the exact behavior he is repeating, & that is annoying you.
2- Tell him your conclusion or the feelings that you experienced due to his behavior.
For example:
Don’t start with: You are not polite…
But start with: In the past few days you are talking to me loudly during the meeting and this makes me conclude you are not respecting me enough…
Don't start with: You are lazy…
But start with: Last month I asked you to do some tasks and all of them were done after their deadlines, which shows me that your activity is going down these days…
Don’t start with: You are making me angry…
But start with: Since I joined the team and you are calling me some unusual nick names, and this indicates that you are trying to make fun of me in front of the others…
3- Encourage him to explain his point of view:
Here you are giving him the chance to explain his opinion and true intentions, and showing that you are open minded to accept his justification or apology.
I wish these simple advices would help you build
more effective long term relation with people around you
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"و لو كنت فظا غليظ القلب لانفضوا من حولك"
صدق الله العظيم