Welcome note

Dear colleague

We are proud to welcome you in I Grow training & marketing blog, in which you can find a series of courses in different managerial, marketing & soft skills areas.

You'd find on the main page, all the courses sorted by their date of delivery. In addition, you can find on the right hand column of the page, the main categories of the courses, through which you can access the topics you prefer.

We truly appreciate your visit, and thus all the courses are available for viewing & downloading.

With our best regards.


24 November, 2013

Sunday's Vitamin: Please... don't stop dreaming

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week
Do you have big dreams that seem difficult to be achieved?
Do you see that your conditions & surroundings will prevent you from growing & excelling?
Before you answer, please read this story:

A few years ago a world famous American rock band called “Journey” was looking for a new lead singer.
The guitar player of the band spent weeks surfing the net searching for someone to fill the vacancy at least for their next few concerts.
He searched for a long time until he saw a video by a young man named Arnel Pineda who was singing the band’s songs in an amazing way.
The guitar player sent Pineda an email & then called inviting him to be tested in California!
But who was Pineda?

19 November, 2013

The Manager's Sandwich, November 2013

Brief & healthy insights
in management

Helping you deal successfully with daily work challenges

November 2013 topic was:
"Effective delegation"

You can download the presentation by clicking
on the sandwich above

17 November, 2013

Sunday's Vitamin: The 5% rule..

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week

Robin Sharma, the Canadian leadership author, has a nice advice;
"To get the results only 5% of the population gets,
you have to do the work only 5% of the population do”

This means that, if luck & chance helped you succeed for sometime, they will not help you all the times.
Thus, if you look for a long term exceptional success, you should do the hard & smart work done by the top performers in your field.
Know them, identify what they do to reach their high results, and learn from them.
And remember how “Moses” (the profit) was so keen to learn from “AlKhedr” and to acquire some of his knowledge;
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
" قال له موسى هل أتبعك على أن تعلمني مما علمت رشدا"
صدق الله العظيم

08 November, 2013

Sunday's Vitamin: Do you deserve a promotion?

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week

Recently, I read a wise story in a nice children's book:
كان لعم صابر البقال مساعدان شابان، رجب و شعبان، و كانا متحابين متعاونين، و عم صابر يعدل بينهما و يعطيهما أجرا واحدا على عملهما.
و ذات يوم كلف عم صابر شعبان بأن يكون نائبا له فى ادارة البقالة، و أعطاه أجرا أعلى من زميله رجب.
غضب رجب جدا، و اتهم عم صابر بالظلم و سأله عن سبب هذه التفرقة فى المعاملة.
قال عم صابر: "سأوضح لك السبب، و لكن اذهب الى سوق الجملة و اعرف لى هل هناك بطاطس أم لا".
ذهب رجب الى السوق، و غاب فترة، و عندما عاد قال لعم صابر: "نعم هناك بطاطس فى السوق".
قال عم صابر: "جميل، و لكن اذهب مرة ثانية و اعرف بكم كيلو البطاطس".
ذهب رجب مرة ثانية الى السوق، و عندما عاد أخبر عم صابر أن الكيلو بأربعة جنيهات.
 قال له عم صابر: "اذهب مرة ثالثة و اعرف لى كم كيلو يمكن أن نشتريها اليوم".
ذهب رجب الى السوق للمرة الثالثة و عندما عاد قال لعم صابر: "هناك خمسين كيلو يمكن شراءها اليوم".
عندئذ طلب عم صابر من رجب أن يجلس بجواره، و نادى على شعبان و قال له: "اذهب الى سوق الجملة و اعرف لى هل هناك بطاطس أم لا".
ذهب شعبان الى السوق، ثم عاد سريعا، و قال لعم صابر: "يوجد فى السوق بطاطس جيدة، و الكيلو بأربعة جنيهات، و يمكننا شراء خمسين كيلو اليوم".
نظر عم صابر البقال الى رجب و قال له: "هل عرفت الآن لماذا أعطيت زميلك منصبا و أجرا أعلى منك؟!".
I will ask you now some similar questions;
Do you know your manager's true needs?
Do you know how to earn your manager's trust?
Are you valuable enough in your team to get a soon promotion or a pay raise?!

03 November, 2013

Marketing pills: Segmentation, targeting & positioning.

A customized course for PM's,
focusing on various crucial marketing areas

October's dose of the pills covered:
Segmentation (methods & guidelines).
Targeting (evaluating various segments and deciding on a targeting strategy).
Positioning (identifying the market's determinant attributes, evaluating the competitors' positions, choosing the PISA attributes & creating the positioning statement).
You can download the presentation by clicking on the PILLS above
Looking forward to work with you

Sunday's Vitamin: What about happiness?

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week

“Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
As long as you are working hard towards valuable personal & career goals, you will find meaning & taste in your life.
However; “Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.”
Because; “You can find happiness in the journey, not only in the destination.”
This means that; “Happiness is not something you search for, it is something you design in the present.”
And don’t forget that; “Courage is so important for internal peace and happiness, because it makes you do what you want, when you want, as long as you believe in it.”
And always remember;
"من كانت الأخرة همه جعل الله غناه فى قلبه و جمع له شمله و أتته الدنيا و هى راغمة،
و من كانت الدنيا همه جعل الله فقره بين عينيه و فرق عليه شمله و لم يأته من الدنيا الا ما قدر له"
صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم