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With our best regards.


20 September, 2013

Sunday's vitamin: Why to set goals? And what are their benefits?

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"ومن يرد ثواب الدنيا نؤته منها ومن يرد ثواب الآخرة نؤته منها وسنجزى الشاكرين"
صدق الله العظيم
Setting goals for your career & personal life gives you 5 great benefits:
1- Focus:
"Where your focus goes, your energy flows"
Goals help you direct your effort, time & resources into the directions that matters most for you, instead of being scattered in different directions.
2- Growth:
Goals help you take a step after step to create a better life & build a successful career. Without clear goals, you will just stay where you are.
3- Pro-activity:
"If you don’t act on life, life will act on you".
Goals push you to improve your conditions & find valuable opportunities to reach your dreams. Without goals, you are just waiting for the conditions to be better and for good chances to come to you.
4- Measurement:
Goals give you awareness about where you are now compared with your dreams. This makes you happy when you see yourself moving day after day towards what you want.
5- Inspiration:
When you have a vision of your life in the future, this motivates you to put more effort & to work hard until you reach what you dream with.


  1. great words from great person ,thank you to be our colleague

    1. You too Ahmed... Inshaa allah you will be a great person.

  2. It is a very important thing to have a vision for your life and career , but I think to do that it needs good awareness and knowing for what you exactly want to be and how ,to start the frist step to get what you aim to have or to be . Hopping all best for you .Said Mostafa

    1. Sure Dr, before deciding on the road & the stations on te way decide on the destination first.
      Please read the vitamin before this, and tell me if it completes the meaning...
