Welcome note

Dear colleague

We are proud to welcome you in I Grow training & marketing blog, in which you can find a series of courses in different managerial, marketing & soft skills areas.

You'd find on the main page, all the courses sorted by their date of delivery. In addition, you can find on the right hand column of the page, the main categories of the courses, through which you can access the topics you prefer.

We truly appreciate your visit, and thus all the courses are available for viewing & downloading.

With our best regards.


28 September, 2013

Sunday's vitamin: Are you rich?

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"و ان تعدوا نعمة الله لا تحصوها"
صدق الله العظيم
Before reviewing your bank accounts to answer this question, know that your true wealth (ثروتك) is composed of 7 accounts:
The 1st account, spiritual wealth:
Your personal satisfaction with life in general, & the strength of your relation with God.
The 2nd account, physical wealth:
Your body health & fitness.
The 3rd account, social wealth:
The quality of your relations with your family members & friends.
The 4th account, career wealth:
Your success & satisfaction with your job.
The 5th account, intellectual wealth:
Your knowledge, culture, the books you read & the arts you understand.
The 6th account, variety wealth:
The new experiences & the challenges you face in your life (in contrast to a routine monotonous life).
The 7th account, economic wealth:
That is the money, deposits & properties you own.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
" وأسبغ عليكم نعمه ظاهرة وباطنة "
صدق الله العظيم

Now, give me the true answer, are you rich?!

20 September, 2013

Sunday's vitamin: Why to set goals? And what are their benefits?

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"ومن يرد ثواب الدنيا نؤته منها ومن يرد ثواب الآخرة نؤته منها وسنجزى الشاكرين"
صدق الله العظيم
Setting goals for your career & personal life gives you 5 great benefits:
1- Focus:
"Where your focus goes, your energy flows"
Goals help you direct your effort, time & resources into the directions that matters most for you, instead of being scattered in different directions.
2- Growth:
Goals help you take a step after step to create a better life & build a successful career. Without clear goals, you will just stay where you are.
3- Pro-activity:
"If you don’t act on life, life will act on you".
Goals push you to improve your conditions & find valuable opportunities to reach your dreams. Without goals, you are just waiting for the conditions to be better and for good chances to come to you.
4- Measurement:
Goals give you awareness about where you are now compared with your dreams. This makes you happy when you see yourself moving day after day towards what you want.
5- Inspiration:
When you have a vision of your life in the future, this motivates you to put more effort & to work hard until you reach what you dream with.

Managing My Team (17 September 13)

A district sales management course, with business & people management skills:
1- Overview on management.
2- Management skills bouquet.
A- Planning (setting SMART goals & action plan design).
B- Prospecting & customer profiling (specialty, potentiality, rate of accepting new ideas & profitability/loyalty).
C- Improving people’s performance:
- Diagnosis (ability, motivation, resources or selection).

- Coaching (GROW model).
- Counseling (facilitative vs. authoritative styles).

- Disciplining (+ve reinforcement, -ve reinforcement, extinction & punishment).
- Motivation (expectancy theory & Maslow's needs hierarchy).
D–Time management (put 1st things 1st).
E- Negotiation skills.
You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:

Looking forward to work with you

The Manager's Sandwich, September 2013

Brief & healthy insights
in management

Helping you deal successfully with daily work challenges

September 2013 topic was:
"Retaining my Good Players"

You can download the presentation by clicking
on the sandwich above

Sailing into selling course (10-12 September 13)

A basic selling skills course for newly hired medical representatives;
1- Prospecting (customer profiling).
2- Selling process;
        - Pre-call planning; (data mining, setting SMART objective & planning call scenario).
        - Call; (Monroe's motivational sequence).
        - Post-call analysis.
3- Retaining & growing profitable customers.

You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:

Looking forward to work with you...

14 September, 2013

Sunday's vitamin: Can I plan for a better life?!

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"و لكل وجهة هو موليها فاستبقوا الخيرات"
صدق الله العظيم
Try this 8 step process, to set & plan for your goals:
Step 1:
Have some time alone, away from human & electronic noise.
Step 2:
Define the most important fields in your life, in which you want to make great successes. For example; work, social life, physical health & relation with God.
Step 3:
Decide on the lifelong accomplishments you want to make in these fields (long term goals you wish to reach by the end of your life).
Step 4:
As small steps on the road of achieving your lifelong goals, determine what objectives you want to achieve in each field, by the end of this year.
Step 5:
Think… think… think about all the actions you can make in order to achieve your yearly objectives. Generate as many ideas as you can.
Step 6:
Sort those action steps by importance, and decide on the time schedule of doing them (the schedule may be in days, weeks or months).
Step 7:
Write down all of the above goals, objectives and action steps in a separate agenda.
Step 8:


09 September, 2013

Sailing into selling, Veterinarian team (1-2 September 13)

A basic selling skills course customized for the Veterinarian team;
1- Prospecting (customer profiling).
2- Selling process;
        - Pre-call planning; (data mining, setting SMART objective & planning call scenario).
        - Call; (Monroe's motivational sequence).
        - Post-call analysis.
3- Retaining & growing profitable customers.

You can download the presentation here:

Looking forward to work with you..

Selling skills, immediate release dose, G1 line (28 & 29 August 2013)

A brief selling skills course customized for G1 line & Osmoran launch;
        - Pre-call planning; (data mining, setting SMART objective & planning call scenario).
        - Call; (What & How?).
        - Post-call analysis.

You can download the presentation here:

Looking forward to work with you ...

07 September, 2013

Sunday's vitamin: Know your life's purpose..

Simple motivational ideas... for a good start of your week

Robert Byrne (an American author) said
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose”
- So in every field of your life, define your goals & priorities, and they will guide you during the difficulties & the challenges you might face.
- When you are inspired by a great purpose or extraordinary project, this boosts your mind & capabilities, and you will discover new skills within yourself that will help you in your mission.
- Of course you will make some mistakes in your way, however, look at them as lessons, and opportunities to learn more & to be a better person.
Finally, beside your focus on your final long term goals,
don't forget to enjoy the journey; be happy about your daily steps & small successes,
and be glad with the new experiences you meet in the road of achieving your goals