Welcome note

Dear colleague

We are proud to welcome you in I Grow training & marketing blog, in which you can find a series of courses in different managerial, marketing & soft skills areas.

You'd find on the main page, all the courses sorted by their date of delivery. In addition, you can find on the right hand column of the page, the main categories of the courses, through which you can access the topics you prefer.

We truly appreciate your visit, and thus all the courses are available for viewing & downloading.

With our best regards.


25 May, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: This week... TCR!

Last week, we've advised each other to search for areas in our work in which we can be
FOB (First, Only & Best)
So that you can markedly increase your value within your team, & with your manager
This week, we have a new advice;
TCR (Take Complete Responsibility)
Know that you are fully responsible for your success in life, and that nothing in your personal & professional conditions will change until you start making your changes.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (ان الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بأنفسهم) صدق الله العظيم
So, please stop playing the Victim, by blaming the conditions & people around you, because the moment you stop blaming others, is the moment you take back your power to dramatically improve your life.
NO ONE ELSE IS RESPONSIBLE for your life. So starting from today, Take Complete Responsibility, do the best from your position, work hard to make your life better, take new decisions & make better choices.
And always, Dream Big… Start small… Act now

20 May, 2014

Presentation skills course, Cairo West & Delta 2 (May 2014)

How to maximize your influence on your customers through the organized preparation & effective delivery of your presentations?
1st day: Preparation:
I Preparing the presentation.
II Preparing venue & tools.
III Preparing ourselves.
2nd day: Delivery:
IV Delivering the presentation.
V Handling the audience.
VI Closing the presentation.
3rd day: Practice.

You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:
Dr Abd Allah Nasr:

Dr Hussien Lotfy:

Dr Rania Samir:

Dr Ibrahim AlSayed:

Dr Hend Magdy:

Looking forward to work with you

Presentation skills course, Delta 1 (May 2014)

How to maximize your influence on your customers through the organized preparation & effective delivery of your presentations?
1st day: Preparation:
I Preparing the presentation.
II Preparing venue & tools.
III Preparing ourselves.
2nd day: Delivery:
IV Delivering the presentation.
V Handling the audience.
VI Closing the presentation.
3rd day: Practice.

You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:
Dr Mohammad Alabbasy:

Dr Rasha Rafaat:

Dr Ahmed Alazab:

Dr Nanees Elsonbaty:

Dr Mahitab AlSayed:

Dr Ibrahim AlMetwally:

Dr Hassan Ali:

Looking forward to work with you

The Coaching Workshops, G1, G2 & MSK lines (May 2014)

How to effectively coach your employees, to continuously elevate their knowledge & skills, and thus improve their performance:

- The GROW model for coaching.
- The SKILL / WILL matrix, and the associated coaching style.

You can download the presentation here:

Looking forward to work with you

17 May, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Be a FOB this week!!

This week, I want you to excel at your work and increase your value within your team, & with your manager.
So, my advice for you is to have 15 minutes alone, and think how you can, this week, be:
Think how to be the First in something:
Ex: the first in completing a certain task, in delivering a required report, in achieving your goals, ...
Think how to be the Only in something:
Ex: the only one using a specific skill, the only one achieving in a certain product, the only one succeeding in a difficult task, ...
Think how to be the Best in something:
Ex: The best in making a certain activity, the best coverage, the best knowledge, the best selling skills, the best plan, the best report, the best in hard work, ...
It takes you few minutes to put such a plan, but you would largely enjoy its benefits.
Please, please… try this idea this week,
and once you feel its taste, you will be motivated to be FOB in every week

11 May, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Will you remove the rock?

Watch this short video and please… remove the rocks around you…

Thanks for Dr Sara Shahaat, who had previously shared this video on my Facebook page

04 May, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Are you Ordinary or Extraordinary?

Ordinary people like entertainment…
Extraordinary people like learning…
Ordinary people have big TVs…
Extraordinary people have big libraries…
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (يرفع الله الذين آمنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات) صدق الله العظيم
Ordinary people waste their time…
Extraordinary people use their time…
Ordinary people speak about problems…
Extraordinary people speak about solutions…
Ordinary people wait for luck & hope for sudden success…
Extraordinary people put their plans & build their success…
So tell me now, what do you want to be… Ordinary or Extraordinary?