Welcome note

Dear colleague

We are proud to welcome you in I Grow training & marketing blog, in which you can find a series of courses in different managerial, marketing & soft skills areas.

You'd find on the main page, all the courses sorted by their date of delivery. In addition, you can find on the right hand column of the page, the main categories of the courses, through which you can access the topics you prefer.

We truly appreciate your visit, and thus all the courses are available for viewing & downloading.

With our best regards.


27 April, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Why don't you achieve success?!

This week, I invite you to watch this 8 minutes video by Robin Sharma on 4 important factors that prevent us from reaching our desired success & potential;
1- Absence of GRIT.
2- Influences.
3- Scheduling.
4- Not enjoying our days & blessings.
Please listen to the video, and try to care about these 4 factors

20 April, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: 5th & 6th habits for excellent leaders

Through the previous 2 weeks, we have shared 4 beautiful things excellent leaders continuously do.
This week, we would end this series with two final great ideas.
#5. Excellent leaders continuously improve themselves & their work:
When Microsoft released their first version of MS-DOS, it was filled with over 300 bugs. But they just kept making things better. Consistently. Daily.
So, what makes a great company, career or personal life isn’t an accidental sudden win. No. What makes greatness are those small steady wins & improvements that you can do each day with focus and determination, until you reach world-class over time.

#6. Excellent leaders don’t surrender:
The number one factor that determines success isn’t intelligence or creativity.
It’s “GRIT”, which is the ability to go persistently after your goals, against any challenges you face.
Unfortunately, many people give up their objectives on the first sign of failure.
However, excellent leaders are different. They may get knocked down or laughed at, but they stay in the game, they play harder & they keep their believes in themselves & their goals.
And so, in the end, they win.

18 April, 2014

Presentation skills course, Cairo West & Delta 2

How to maximize your influence on your customers through the organized preparation & effective delivery of your presentations?
1st day: Preparation:
I Preparing the presentation.
II Preparing venue & tools.
III Preparing ourselves.
2nd day: Delivery:
IV Delivering the presentation.
V Handling the audience.
VI Closing the presentation.
3rd day: Practice.

You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:

Dr Imam Atef:

Dr Beshoy Samir:

Dr Sherif Mostafa:

Dr Ahmed Sarhan:

Dr Antonios Samir:

Dr Azza Zakaria:

Dr Marian Tarek:

Dr M. Fattouh:

Dr Gasser Awwad:

Looking forward to work with you

Presentation skills course, Cairo East

How to maximize your influence on your customers through the organized preparation & effective delivery of your presentations?
1st day: Preparation:
I Preparing the presentation.
II Preparing venue & tools.
III Preparing ourselves.
2nd day: Delivery:
IV Delivering the presentation.
V Handling the audience.
VI Closing the presentation.
3rd day: Practice.

You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:

Dr Ahmed Adel:

Dr Hanan Mostafa:

Dr M. Abd AlMaksood:

Dr M. Hesham:

Dr Amr Sayed

Dr Amaal Hassan:

Dr M. Mosaad:

Looking forward to work with you

11 April, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: Two more things excellent leaders do...

Last week, we have shared 2 great things excellent leaders continuously do. And as we have promised, here are two more points for this week.
#3. Excellent leaders value time:
Ordinary people WATCH time passing.
Exceptional people USE time to create better results and higher impacts. 
These excellent leaders decide with speed, focus their efforts on high value work, and delegate, if possible, everything else.
So please remember...time is a very special asset. Use it to set your goals, build your plans & realize your dreams.

#4. Excellent leaders value human connections: 
The bigger the dream, the more key the team.
Excelling leaders understand that a brilliant vision without an effective team is a delusion. 
So, invest time & effort to develop & motivate your team members, and to build a high-performance team, that will help you achieve your common professional goals.

06 April, 2014

Sunday's Vitamin: What do leaders do?

For three successive weeks, we would – Inshaa Allah- share 6 of the great things excellent leaders continuously do.
#1. Excellent Leaders Focus on The Vital Few:
Too many amongst us fill our lives with more complexity & a lot of distractions in work, on the web, on the phone, in TV & everywhere.
Pick the few things that can help you be BIW (Best in World) and then have the discipline to say no to everything else.
Simply become highly focused on just the few, most important, things.
#2. Excellent Leaders are Masters of Their Crafts:
Most businesses and most business people operate at average levels; no innovation, no passion & no attractiveness. Most people are copying others and playing the easy game.
This leaves a great chance for you to excel & shine in your field.
So, be an expert in your job, a master of your craft & continuously think how to innovatively improve your personal & professional lives.