Welcome note

Dear colleague

We are proud to welcome you in I Grow training & marketing blog, in which you can find a series of courses in different managerial, marketing & soft skills areas.

You'd find on the main page, all the courses sorted by their date of delivery. In addition, you can find on the right hand column of the page, the main categories of the courses, through which you can access the topics you prefer.

We truly appreciate your visit, and thus all the courses are available for viewing & downloading.

With our best regards.


29 December, 2013

Sunday's Vitamin: Don't start 2014 before doing this!

I wish you a happy 2014, in which you would achieve great personal & professional successes.
But if you really want to make a difference in this New Year, never start it without a clear vision about what you want to accomplish within its 12 months.
So, please…please, before the end of the 31st of December, have some time alone and decide on your goals & plan.
Here are some simple advises that might help you:
1- Define the most important fields in your life, in which you want to make significant achievements. For example; career, social life, physical health & relation with Allah.
2- Determine what objectives you want to achieve in each field before the end of 2014 (be focused, and write the most important ones).
3- Think about all the actions you can make to help yourself achieve those yearly objectives. Generate as many ideas as you can.
4- Sort those action steps by importance, and decide on the order of doing them (which first & which last).
5- Write down all of the above objectives and action steps in a separate agenda, and review it from time to time during 2014, to keep yourself focused and motivated.
6- توكل على الله و أسأله التوفيق
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"و لتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد"
صدق الله العظيم

26 December, 2013

Sailing into selling (22-24 December 13)

A basic selling skills course customized for Musculoskeletal line;
1- Prospecting (customer profiling).
2- Selling process;
        - Pre-call planning; (data mining, setting SMART objective & planning call scenario).
        - Call; (Monroe's motivational sequence).
        - Post-call analysis.
3- Retaining & growing profitable customers.

You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:

Dr Israa:

Dr Aya:

Dr Amira:

Dr A. Khamees:

Dr Ragheb:

Dr Rashad:

Dr Hamdy:

Dr Abd AlMohaymen

Dr Hammaad:

Looking forward to work with you ...

Management insights course, Episode 1 (December 2013)

A focused management course, delivered for brick officers, aiming to help them effectively guide, support & coordinate with their colleagues, to reach their brick's sales objectives.
The course covered:
1- How to lead with no title?!
2- How to plan effectively?
3- How to manage my time in today's stressful conditions?
You can download the presentation here:

Watch some photos of the workshops:
Delta 3 team:

Delta 3 & Alex teams:

Alex team:

Cairo west team:

Delta 1 & 2 teams:

Delta 1 team:

Delta 1 & 2 teams

Cairo east team:

Cairo east & west teams:

Looking forward to work with you

21 December, 2013

Sunday's Vitamin: Is your business environment continually changing?

Today's business life is very dynamic & is always surprising you with a continuous flow of changes, either externally, in the customers' needs, competitors' offerings & market rules, or internally, in your company's policies, resources & management strategies.
So how can you keep successful & maintain your growth against all of these changes & challenges?
Of course there are tens of advises for such issue, but we can now focus on 4 major advises:
1- Always improve what you are doing, learn & develop your business knowledge & skills, and think of innovative ways to increase your effectiveness.
2- Observe what is going on around you, within your company regarding its strategies & priorities, and within the market regarding your competitors & customers.
3- Connect with your customers & keep a close relationship with them. Value their opinions, and be updated with their needs & satisfaction.
4- Adapt fast & change the way you do your work in response to your new internal & external conditions.
Finally, always look at the challenges & problems you face
as new opportunities to learn, develop & grow

15 December, 2013

Sunday's Vitamin; What are the 2 most important traits for success?

As we have said in last week's vitamin, to make a long term significant success in life, we need a group of traits (personality characteristics), that guide our thinking & actions in every day’s situations.
According to the online survey you have filled last week, the most important success traits, according to your opinions, were as follows:
Of course, all of the above traits are important; however, according to a wide research conducted recently by the University of Pennsylvania, two personality traits appeared to strongly predict success in life (باذن الله): persistence & self-control.
Persistence (they called it GRIT = العزم، الهمة، الاصرار) is the tendency to sustain interest & effort toward very long-term goals.
Self-control is the voluntary regulation of one's actions against temporary pleasure or temptations (مقاومة الاغراءات المؤقتة).
The research said that grit & self-control, are more important than other measures of talent & intelligence, in achieving many desirable outcomes in life as academic success, good social relations, better health, higher earnings, lifetime savings & satisfaction with life in general.
How to build Grit?

05 December, 2013

Sunday's Vitamin; What are the 2 most important traits for success?

Life is a journey, in which we would meet different kinds of challenges, lead various types of experiences, achieve many successes & face some failure.
Of course, to make a long term marked success in life, we need a group of traits (characteristics), that guide our thinking & actions in every day’s situations.
Before I tell you my opinion about the most important traits that predict success in life (باذن الله), I would like to know your opinion too.
So please choose the two traits you mostly believe in, from the following survey:

According to your beliefs,
what are the two most important traits for success in life?

Continuous planning0%
Self control0%
IQ (mental intelligence quota)0%
Communication skills0%
Self confidence0%
Other: (Please specify)0%

01 December, 2013

Sunday's Vitamin: Are you going to be appraised this month?

If you will have a performance appraisal meeting with your manager this month, then the following simple tips may help you get from him/her a better recognition of your successes, and a better understanding of your weaknesses & mistakes.
First of all, put in your mind that the appraisal meeting is an excellent opportunity to improve the communication, understanding & trust between you & your manager.
Second, ask for a copy of the appraisal sheet at least one day before the meeting. You can get this copy from your manager, from a colleague or from the HR department.
Third, make a detailed appraisal for yourself, filling all items in the sheet.
Know that the appraisal is usually divided into 3 parts; the first measures your achievements & activities, depending directly on your sales figures & on other activities’ reports.
The second & third parts measure your skills & behavior, which are difficult to measure because they don’t depend on numbers, and thus you may find your perception about them different from your manager’s perception.